Political Violence: Luweero DPC, former RDC Namulindwa issue unending threats against Cissy Mulondo NRM Woman MP aspirant

Political Violence: Luweero DPC, former RDC Namulindwa issue unending threats against Cissy Mulondo NRM Woman MP aspirant. Whisper Eye Reports

Tension has galvanized Luwero Woman MP race for the National Resistance Movement (NRM) party primaries as candidates receive unending threats from security organs.

Whisper Eye has learnt that Ms Cissy Mulondo who is among the leading candidates in the race has received threats from security personnel and fellow candidates.

Mr Kalule Sim who is an aide to Ms Cissy Mulondo told Whisper Eye that Luwero district police commander (DPC) Abraham Tukundane and former Luwero Resident District Commission (RDC) Ms Namulindwa Pheobe are threatening their candidate and her agents.

“We receive calls from DPC, that we should stop campaigning in the district. He said that to arrest Hon Cissy Mulondo,” says Mr Kalule.

A reliable source told Whisper Eye that Luwero former RDC Ms Namulidwa Pheobe who also declared to contest for Luwero Woman MP seat joining the incumbent MP Eng Lillian Nakate, former Woman MP Rebecca Nalwanga, Namulindwa Joy, and Ms Nakalawa.

The fight is too tight according to NRM leaders in Luwero and the competition is between three, Ms Cissy Mulondo, incumbent Eng Lillian Nakate and former RDC Namulindwa.

However Whisper Eye efforts to talk to Luweero DPC and the former RDC was in waiting despite uneding calls.

We shall Keep You informed of this story.