Smoked out: Moses Lumala is the father of Juliana Kanyomonzi new baby boy

Smoked out: Moses Lumala is the father of Juliana Kanyomonzi new baby boy. Whisper Eye Reports

Former Motor Rally driver Moses Lumala is the father to singer Julian Kanyomozi’s baby.

City business mogul Lumala fully paid the hospital bill in Sweden were Juliana gave birth too.

Reliable source has told Whisper Eye that Singer Juliana and Mr Lumala have been enjoying outings in Kampala before the total lock down due to the deadly Corona Virus.

Julian became more popular when she made a joint song ‘Ttaata wa baana yani’ with Bobi Wine.

Her soft voice is loved by many music fans in Uganda and considered as the best Female Artist in the country.

Moses Lumala is the director of Nippon parts at Katwe, at Kampala suburb.