Janet Museveni to renovate Namboole Stadium to international standard

Janet Museveni to renovate Namboole Stadium to international standard. Whisper Eye Reports.

Minister of Education and Sports Janet Kataha Museveni takes over the responsibility to renovate Mandela National Stadium, Namboole .

She has issued a statement on the plan to renovate and upgrade the National Stadium.

Minister Janet said that they are going to use Covid-19 lock down when all sports competition are suspended to construct Namboole Stadium.

“In Uganda, all sporting competition and activities came to a halt following the Covid-19 guidelines issued by H. E the president to combat the Corona Virus. The measures have also led to sports facilities a cross the country remaining idle.” the statement reads.

“The government of Uganda attaches great importance to this National asset and recognize Mandela National Stadium’s role in the development of sports in the country.
Indeed the Stadium is “Home” to the National Teams and Athletes.” minister Janet added.

The National Stadium is in a very bad state and recently it was suspended to host international matches.