Big Story: 37 youth arrested from Bobi Wine’s Kamwokya Ghetto, remanded to Prison

Big Story: 37 youth arrested from Bobi Wine’s Kamwokya Ghetto remanded to Prison

Police have arrested 37 youths from Kamwokya Ghetto, remanded to prison.

Those arrested include; Ssekyewa Saidi, Wamala Robert, Waibi Benjamin, Okecho Henry, Mucunguzi Benson, Gumisiriza Nathan, Kibuda Fred, Masiga Dian, Twinomugisha Jack, Kakayire Williba, among others

Kamwokya Ghetto is a Kampala Suburb where Kyadondo East legislator Kyagulanyi Robert Ssentamu popularly known as Bobi Wine grew from.

They were picked up from Kanaabe parking next to sister Dugan school where they work as motorcycle & car washers.

This is where they stay, sleep and work.

The new DPC Kira road conducted the operation which swept Kamwokya taking over 30 of Kamwokya Ghetto youth.

Yesterday they were arraigned in court and charged with disobeying presidential directives.

Unfortunately, at Court, they were advised to plead guilty so that they can be released but after pleading guilty, the presiding judge asked them to pay Shs 100,000/= each.

Which they failed to raise due to the current situation of lock down due to the deadly Covid-19 pandemic.

These are very poor youths surviving on God’s mercy with no access to lawyers, now being sent to rot away in Kitarya prison and being exposed to covid19 pandemic.

‘Over 30 youths bundled on to one Truck with total disregard of social distancing guidelines. Inside the truck everyone was put together with no masks,’ says Mr Tumuhairwe Denis.

“Why is it that when police arrest Ugandans they are denied the basic human right to life i.e protection from Corona virus and just exposes suspects” anyhow?” He asked.

According to police the above were arrested after breaking president Museveni directives on covid19.