Oyam councillors turn to prayers over mystery of excess death

Story by CHRIS WOO

A cross-section of Oyam district councillors is demanding for some special prayer to be held following what they described as alarming excess deaths among civil servants and politicians in the district.

This was presented before the council by Hon Easy Bash Macar councillor representing male workers during an emergency council meeting held to pay last respect to the late Walter Ogwette who was the district entomologist officer of Oyam district.

According to Macar after assuming office in 2021 they have lost so many prominent civil servants and politicians in Oyam district that calls for immediate intervention of religious leaders.

Similarly, Benson Dila the LC5 chairman of Oyam district equally revealed that they have so far lost four prominent servants in Oyam district within two and a half years they have been in office which is an indication that both political, civil servants and other people must be closer to the church.

Dila further said before they were sworn their offices they lost hon Tonny Oyuru who was the Aleka sub-County Lc5 representative in a motor accident followed by the late Lamex Oming who was the senior health educator and Tale Caroline senior probation welfare officer, Bua Dan the Road Inspector was also among servants who died prematurely and lastly was Ogwette Walter who passed on last Saturday at the rank of senior entomologist officer of Oyam district whose cause of death is still not clear posting a lot of fear and panic among other servants.

Walter Eryama the Chief Administrative Officer CAO of Oyam district said he knew Ogwette as a humble man with a unique character describing him as his mentor and teacher whom he used to consult as a beekeeper in case of anything urging other servants to copy a good example from the late  Ogwete.

Eryama further rallied everyone to embrace medical check-ups whether there is sickness or not.

Meanwhile, Hon Beatrice Okello the female LC5 councillor representing Ngai and  Abok sub Counties to Oyam district council who equally doubles as secretary of education and sports of the district praised the late Ogwette he is irreplaceable adding that Ogwette died at the time that Oyam district needs him most.

Reverent George Amoli Vicar of Oyam Vicarage however asked the mourners to give God time to do His will.

Nelson Oloa the Myene sub-county male LC5 councillor to Oyam district local council in his remarks pledged to pay two children of the deceased to schools.

Walter Ogwette died at the age of 43 where he left two widows with 8 orphans.