SPA/PA Ruth Katushabe commends Gen M7 for the youth skilling initiative as thousands graduate

Over 16,000 youths graduated under the Presidential Initiative on skilling the Girl and Boy Child (PISGBC) at Kololo Independence grounds on Friday. The initiative that was started by President Museveni way back in 2017 is yielding fruits and his efforts have not gone un noticed.

The Senior Presidential Advisor on Political Affairs and Translations Hon Ruth Katushabe while appearing on Political talk show on the 7th October 2023 eulogized the Commander in Chief for starting up such an initiative that has seen the youth especially the less privileged getting an opportunity to gain hands on skills that they will use to earn a living and also joining the money economy as part of the long term strategy to see that the biggest percentage of the population joins the money economy.

Hon Katushabe thanked President Museveni for always standing by the side of the less privileged Ugandans to see that their lives can be uplifted in the best way possible. With the youths being the biggest percentage of the population, Hon Katushabe said the President was spot on to take a decision of supporting the youths many of whom were un employed due to lack of hands on skill to start up their own businesses instead of waiting to be employed.

“You may not like President Museveni as a person but am sure many of you are also appreciating the good things he is doing for this country. I was at Kololo and witnessed over 16000 youths graduate under the Presidential skilling initiative. I was so touched sincerely and saw that President Museveni is a gift from God to Uganda. I congratulate him for successfully implementing the NRM manifesto.” The Senior Presidential Advisor said

Hon Katushabe added that if more and more youths are getting the opportunity to gain hands on skills, in the nearby future Uganda will be saved from the big import bill as youths will have the capacity to produce most of the products that we are importing. She further added that with import substitution, Uganda will have a favorable balance of trade a good sign of the growth and strength of the economy.

She thus urged all Ugandans to support the initiatives of President Museveni to see that Uganda goes to the next stage of economic development adding that political differences should not at any one time be a hindering factor to have the same vision as Ugandans.

At the graduation ceremony in Kololo, President Museveni also pledged to offer start up capital to these youths to see that they can immediately put into practice what they have studied.