Just In: Bobi Wine & Kizza Besigye 30 member team in a meeting at floral hotel, Wakiso

Bobi Wine and Kizza Besigye 30 member team in a meeting at Foral hotel, Wakiso. Whisper Eye Reports.

People Power Movement supreme leader hon Kyagulanyi Robert Ssentamu aka Bobi Wine and People’s government president Rtd Col Dr Kiiza Besigye have agreed to have to a 30-man team from each political side.

The two teams are to led the process of togetherness among opposition forces of change.

Opposition popular groups are to hold a joint press conference today, Monday, June 15, at Flora Hotel Wakiso.

People’s government president Dr Besigye’s team include; Kamapala Lord Mayor Erias Lukwago, Forum for Democratic Change (FDC) president Patrick Amuriat Oboi, hon Wafula Ogutu, Mukono Municipality MP Betty Nambooze Bakireke, Mr Kennedy Okello, Hon Salaamu Musumba among others.

Mr Wine team includes; People Power Spokesperson Mr Joel Ssenyonyi, former Kampala Deputy Lord Mayor Sulaiman Kidandala, Masaka Municipality MP Mathias Mpuuga Nsamba, Bukoto East MP also DP Women President Florence Namayanja, Mr David Lewis Lubongoya, former Kampala Central council to Kampala Capital City Council Mr John Mary Ssebuwufu, among others.

The joint press conference is the first political activity from various private meetings between Dr Besigye and Mr Bobi Wine.

The question remains, will these two political heavy weights in Uganda agree to a single presidential candidate in the forthcoming elections in Uganda.