You call us Museveni’s spy, why abuse us despite all our efforts! promoter Abetex fumes at Bobi Wine supporters

You call us Museveni’s spy, abuse us despite all our efforts promoter abet fumes at Bobi Wine supporters. Whisper Eye Reports

Kampala based events promoter Abbey Musinguzi popularly known as Abetex fumes as Bobi Wine People Power supporters who accuse him for spying them.

Angry Abetex said that him, and Mukasa Andrew aka Bajjo have sacrificed a lot to fight freedom in the country.

However instead of being motivated by fellow People Power supporters, they get insults which has demoralised them.

‘Whatever I do , you call it comedy, we went to court and won the case, we amounted pressure onto president Museveni and released many prisoners, among others that adds on People Power Movement,’ says Abitex.

“Why do you abuse us? With due respect to all People Power Movement supporters, why don’t you play your role instead of insulting us despite our efforts?, Mr Abitex asks People Power supporters. “
Mr Abitex told Whisper Eye that he is soon quitting People Power activities and concentrate on personal issues.

Mr Abitex told Whisper Eye that he is soon quitting People Power activities and concentrate on personal issues.

“I’m thinking about quitting People Power activities and I concentrate on my businesses due to insults,’ Mr Abitex said”

Event promoters Bajjo and Abitex have been on news since the end of last year.

Bobi Wine is yet to officially react on these new developments.

The two turned into political activists ever since Uganda Police blocked Kyadondo East MP Kyagulanyi Robert Ssentamu aka Bobi Wine Kyalenga Concert.