Big Story! Yusuf Baliruno outcry divides CBS staff

Big Story! Yusuf Baliruno outcry divides CBS staff. Whisper Eye Updates

Buganda’s premier Charles Peter Mayiga (Katikkiro) ordered for an independent internal commission of inquiry to investigate former Central Broadcasting Services Ltd (CBS) local sports presenter Mr Yusuf Baliruno ‘Of Uganda’.

City tycoon Kasozi Robert, who owns Mount St. Henry’s Mukono was implicated by Yusuf Baliruno’s allegations of unfair treatment as a worker for the Uganda’s giant radio station.

While still the Human Resource manager of CBS , he failed to solve Mr Baliruno unfair treatment.

Whisper Eye reported last week about a series of meetings that were sanctioned at Mengo.

And these meetings tried how to approach Mr Baliruno’s issue which had become a public interest.

Our source intimate to Bulange, told us that Katikkiro Mayiga was bitter with Mr Kasozi, Mr Abby Mukiibi after watching Baliruno’s videos on social media.

“There is a lot of tension now at the radio, various meetings are called one after another,’ says the source.

It is alleged that Katikkiro Mayiga also directed the auditing of all adverts that are promoting ” Mount St. Henry’s Mukono senior secondary school”.
Yusuf Baliruno outcry part 4

Furious Katikkiro Mayiga asked CBS management why they have failed to solve a simple issue.

Former CBS local sports presenter Yusuf Baliruno ‘Of Uganda’ alleged the he worked for CBS radio for 20 years without a pay.

He further alleged that he was given 100,000/= allowance per month, which was also not fully cleared.

Many people have called Katikkiro Mayiga’s intervention in Baliruno’s issue.