Quack  witch doctor arrested in Nebbi

A self-proclaimed fake witch doctor identified as Emmanuel Enangu 46, a resident of Owalei village, Soroti Sub-County,  Soroti District has been arrested in  Parombo Town Council over the weekend. #WhisperEyeNews #UgandaNews

It’s reported that he was arrested, following a tip-off by local leaders to authorities. This after locals attempted to lynch him following his failed attempts to recover stolen property, after performing rituals not to the expectation of the locals who paid him over Ugx 4 million.

The suspect reportedly scammed several people and even caused the death of one person in Padwot Sub-county Nebbi District last year,  upon administering to them charms that even left String hospitalized.

The Resident District Commissioner of Nebbi Robert Abak confirmed the arrest of the suspect adding that the suspect who is currently detained at Nebbi Central Police Station will be charged accordingly after ” corning people millions of money in the name of recovering their lost properties”.

The District Councilor Parombo town council Francis Owonda Omer who tipped authorities about the witch doctors’ presence in the area further revealed that the community was almost lynching him.

“The community were on the verge of Lynching him upon discovering that he was a fake witch doctor. We involved police immediately” Owonda said.

Last year, fifteen People from Nebbi Municipality were rushed to  Nebbi General Hospital upon consuming a witch doctor’s charm,  in the name of recovering a stolen cash of a SAACO group.

Relatedly Late last year, one person died and 12 others were hospitalized in critical condition at Angal Hospital,  upon consuming a witch doctor’s charm in Padwot Sub-county Nebbi District.