NUP Supporters Fifth Bail Hearing Deferred: Concerns Raised Over Military Court Jurisdiction

In a disheartening turn of events, supporters of the National Unity Platform (NUP) facing detainment at Kitalya were set for their fifth bail hearing, only to have it deferred once again. The NUP legal team revealed that the military court was inactive due to the ongoing Army Week. #WhisperEyeNews

Today marked the scheduled appearance for the fifth bail hearing of detained NUP supporters, who have faced a series of setbacks in their pursuit of justice. The previous four bail applications were reportedly dismissed on seemingly absurd grounds, including the questionable assertion that parents and spouses were deemed insufficient as sureties.

The unexpected deferment came as a result of the military court being engaged in the Army Week, leaving the detainees in legal limbo. This development follows a previous instance where the court was reportedly handling cases in Somalia, a situation that has raised concerns about the suitability of military courts for civilian trials.

Expressing frustration with the situation, David Lewis Rubongoy, a representative for the detainees, emphasized the inappropriateness of trying civilians in military courts. He cited the Constitutional Court’s previous stance, asserting that the detained NUP supporters have no affiliation with the military and its legal proceedings.

Despite the legal setbacks, Rubongoya and their supporters decided to visit the detained comrades to offer encouragement. Reports indicate that several of the detainees are ailing, with one, Gibusiwa Abdallah, mourning the recent loss of his father. The visit aimed to provide solace to those facing adversity and express solidarity with their families.

Tragically, the detainment has taken a toll on the detainees, with some experiencing deteriorating health conditions. The recent loss of Gibusiwa Abdallah’s father adds to the sorrow of those who have lost their parents while in detention. The situation underscores the human toll of prolonged detainment on individuals and their families.

Rubongoya expressed gratitude to those who continue to stand in solidarity with the detainees and their families. He urged continued efforts to ensure that justice is eventually served and called attention to the need for a fair and transparent legal process for the detained NUP supporters.

The deferred bail hearing of NUP supporters, coupled with the challenges faced in military courts, raises broader questions about the legal framework for civilian trials. As concerns mount, the call for justice and a fair legal process resonates among those advocating for the rights of the detained individuals.