Sad News: Lyantonde deputy chairperson Juuko Katungi collapses dead at a party

Juuko Katungi the Lyantonde district vice chairperson, collapsed dead during a function on Saturday. Whisper Eye Reports

Reports indiccate the vice chairperson representing Kinuuka sub county was giving a speech at party in Kashagama when he collapsed dead.

Fred Muhangi the Lyantonde district chairperson local council V sayd Mr Katungi has been battling with Arthritis for a long time.

He has been bedridden for the last three months and it was only today that he decided to attend a party where he met his death.

Muhangi says Katungi was influential in the creation and starting of Lyantonde district which was paved from Rakai district.

Hadadi Mutagobya, a friend to the deceased said Katungi collapsed and was rushed to a hospital in Kinuuka where he was pronounced dead shortly after arrival.

Katungi, 55 joined politics in 2006 as district councilor representing Kinuuka sub county and served at different positions of the district executive committee.

By this morning some mourners were gathered at the deceased’s home to paper their last rrespect.

Additional reporting URN