Road to 2021: I will defeat singer Judith Babirye, People Power Nabatanzi Faridah promises Bobi Wine

I will defeat silent Judith Babirye, People Power Iron lady Nabatanzi Faridah promises Bobi Wine. Whisper Eye Reports

People Power, Our Power Movement Ntional Secretary for mobilisation and coordination committee Nabatanzi Faridah has assured Kyadondo East MP Kyagulanyi Robert Ssentamu the supreme leader of the movement how she is set to defeat silent Buikwe district woman MP Judith Babirye.

Singer Judith Babirye was voted in 2016 as the Woman district representative with a good percentage due to her popularity.

However since her election to Uganda’s 10th Parliament, gospel music singer has been silent and she is among the worst performing legislators.

Buikwe residents have promised to punish the singer come 2021.

According to the situation now People Power iron lady, Nabatanzi Faridah poised to defeat the unpopular MP Judith Babirye.

Faridah Nabatanzi, born in Nakibizi village, Njeru municipality, Buikwe district.

She is a teacher by profession teaching English and Literature.

She is also a commercial farmer and founder of Nabatanzi Development Initiative (NDI).

Nabatanzi with People Power election management commission in greater Masaka last week

Nabatanzi is a Human Rights activist, member of the people power women league, and the National Secretary for mobilisation and coordination committee of People Power, Our Power Movement.

Talking to Judith Babirye , she assured us about her intention of bouncing back as Buikwe Woman MP saying that she has put up various projects in her district.

Those spreading rumours that i have not worked for my people are baseless propaganda, the gospel singer told Whisper Eye Reporter on phone.

Others in the race are National Resistance Movement (NRM) candidates who are going for the party primaries; Diana Mutasingwa, Kabale Immaculate, Nankabirwa Harriet, and Dora Mpima.

The Forum for Democratic Change (FDC) candidate Nanteza Resty.