Pakwach Headteacher summoned over alleged funds embezzlement

James Nyolonga, The Headteacher of Lobodegi Primary School in Pukweru Sub-County Pakwach District has been summoned by Authorities of the Pakwach District local government following allegations of  “embezzling over Ugx 2 million U.P.E funds and abscondment from duty”. #WhisperEyeNews

Godfred OKoth, The LC3 chairperson of Pukweru Sub-County said information indicates that the accused withdrew the money solely twice without the knowledge of the School Management Committee.

He added that the accused had abandoned the school for months on claim that he was on sick leave.

“We have information that at the beginning of this term, he withdrew about Ugx 1.8 million UPE funds without the notice of anyone and in the middle of the term, he also withdrew over Ugx 1 million and went with the money straight home. When we sent some people to him, they got him drunk completely. We shall try but when it fails, we shall take him to the District” He explained.

Meanwhile, the area LC 1 chairperson where the school is situated James Bidong, shockingly revealed how the school has stayed for close to ” 10 years without organizing any Annual General Meeting”.

He called upon the District leadership to provide the school with competent staff to drive the school full speed ahead.

The accused headteacher James Nyolonga who is also being blamed for abandoning the school for months was unreachable by press time.

But the Pakwach District LC5 chairperson Robert Omito Steen said the Headteacher must report on Monday 27 at the District Headquarters failure to do so will lead to his immediate arrest.

Omito said the allegations of abscondment from duty shall be handled by the chief administrative officer.

Relatedly,  The Headteacher of Wangkado primary school in Pakwach recently faced similar allegations and upon his arrest, he without any further Ado refunded the cash of over 1 million Ugandan shillings.