Big Tale: MP Nambooze on why she’s no longer invited on Kabaka’s radio CBS! amidst tension with Mayiga

MP Nambooze speaks out why she’s no longer invited on Kabakas radio CBS amidst tension with Mayiga. Whisper Eye Reports.

Mukono municipality MP Nambooze Betty Bakireke has revealed why she is no longer appearing on Central Broadcasting Services (CBS) radio political talk shows.

In a very direct and clear statement MP Nambooze has given out one reason, that the program manager of CBS has taken a couple of months without inviting her to the radio programs.

MP Nambooze has told Whisper Eye, that her inbox on social media platforms is full of that question.

People are asking her why she stopped appearing on CBS radio talk-shows.

“Inbox and even publically here you’re asking why I nolonger go for CBS – radio talk- shows…..the fact of the matter is that we go to radio stations on invitation and the program director chooses guest as he think that they are resourceful on issues that are presently under discussion, says MP Nambooze.”

‘When am not part of a show that means that I wasn’t invited, she adds.’

This has come in a time when Buganda’s primer (Katikkiro) Charles Peter Mayiga has faced criticism from social media bloggers.

Just a couple of weeks ago, Socialite Frank Gashumba attacked Katikkiro Mayiga on Facebook live video, and hon Nambooze advised clan heads of both Kabaka Ronald Muwenda Mutebi’s subjects to mediate the cease fire process.

Many pro Buganda political activists attacked hon Nambooze, accusing her for comparing Katikkiro Mayiga and Mr Gashumba.

After few days after the controversial Facebook live video, Rwandese community in Uganda blamed Mr Gashumba for undermining Buganda Kingdom Katikkiro Mayiga and they apologized yo the Kabaka.

The move placed Mr Gashumba on defensive wall, thus the cold war among bloggers reduced on social media.

It is not the first time MP Nambooze to be suspended from appearing on CBS radio.