Concern mounts over delayed muni university branch establishment

By Geofrey Achora Jr

PAKWACH. Leaders in Pakwach district are seeking an urgent explanation from the government through the Ministry of Education and Sports over the delayed commencement of site work at the muni university branch in Paroketo parish in Pakwach sub- County after nearly eleven years of donating land towards its establishment.

The Pakwach district chairperson, Robert Omito Steen said the Ministry of Education agreed in principle to construct a branch of muni university in Pakwach in 2009 to supplement the curriculum under science-related courses and equitably carry research if they find land. 

“We donated enough land with the agreement with the traditional chief and the entire clan members but as of now it’s totally idle no work has commenced on it ever since the clan chief agreed and formalized its takeover to the government for the establishment of Muni University branch situated at the persnisculiar of the Lake Albert” Omito stressed.

Agitated councillors now are speculating that the delay to kick start the work on the 25-acre land could be politically motivated to deter development in the area and want to pass a resolution to evoke the government through the responsible ministries to follow up and intervene.

The councillors are also challenging the decision by the central government to approve the establishment of other universities insisting that prioritising the completion of muni university in Pakwach district will equitably facilitate the dissemination of knowledge and give equal opportunity of acquiring higher education to all persons including persons with disability, political opinion or gender through the provision of quality education, generation of knowledge, promotion of innovation and community empowerment for transformation.

The area leaders intend to evoke section 22(1) of the Universities and other tertiary institutions Act, 2001 which empowers the minister responsible for education on the recommendation of the National Council for Higher Education, by statutory instrument and by a resolution of Parliament to establish a public university and urgently consider fulfilling pledges after the area of consideration meets the necessary requirement of land offering.

However, Mr Emmanuel Ogiertho the Jonam County Member of Parliament and also shadow committee on the Ministry of Education dispel the allegation by the councillors that they are hesitant to follow up with the government clarifying that the ministry is aware and intends to secure funds to work on many branches including Madi Okollo, Adjumani that has all offered land towards the similar course.

He added that due processes of construction and establishment of Government Universities in a phased manner after approval of parliament must be adhered to before such ventures are undertaken.

“The Ministry of Education is aware of the delay in kickstarting the work and among other related projects are before parliament  .it’s not only Pakwach that is affected we are hopeful that soon the stampede is solved and the fund will be earmarked towards the same course” Ogiertho clarified.

With the apparent delay, the district land committee advised those who are intending to grab and settle on defatted university land to vacate to allow government officials to start the process of securing title for its safety.

Muni University is a multi–campus public university in Uganda. It’s one of the public universities and degree awarding institutions in the country, licensed and supervised by the Uganda National Council for Higher Education (UNCHE).