Kampala Capital City Authority to visit flooded areas around Lake Victoria

Kampala Capital City Authority to visit flooded areas around lake Victoria.

Kampala Capital City Authority (KCCA) Council meeting under the stewardship of the Rt. Hon. Kawalya Abubaker resolved to conduct a site visit of areas affected by the raising water levels of Lake Victoria to ascertain the rate at which the same has affected the people of Kampala, and forge a way forward.

Uganda has received maximum amount of rainfall since March,

The decision was reached on, during the resumed Authority Council meeting that was conducted on Monday June 22, 2020, in the Lower gardens of City Hall.

It was unanimously resolved that due to it’s urgency, let the visit be conducted on Wednesday June 24, 2020, in areas of Nakawa and Makindye Urban Divisions.

According to council members, there is a need to help the affected residents, to prevent water born diseases and related diseases like; cholera, dysentery, malaria, and bilharzia are likely to increase.

Reports from the lake shores of Lake Victoria already settlements and developments around Lake Victoria have been affected.

Many hotels, beaches and individual house already flooded due to raising levels of water.

Council members led by the indomitable Speaker Kawalya will set off from City Hall at 9:30am and the entire exercise will take one day.