Former MP Lulume Bayiga applauds fellow medical cadres for a success covid-19, says Uganda economy should open

Former MP Lulume Bayiga applauds fellow medical cadres for asucess covid-19, says Uganda economy should be opened

Former Buikwe South legislator Dr Ssalongo Lulume Michael Philip Bayiga has applauded fellow medical practitioners for the success against Covid-19 in Uganda.

‘Uganda must celebrate the success story of her fight against COVID 19 Pandemic,’ say Dr Lulume.

“Many thanks to our front line medical cadres who have demonstrated an unprecedented case management acumen, where by all the COVID-19 cases admitted have been treated to recovery. No death has been registered at all.” He added.

Dr Lulume told Whisper Eye that his friend from the US considers Uganda a safe country to live in.

In this particular case safer than America, the epicenter of COVID19, with uncountable deaths of those found positive with COVID 19.

Dr Lulume’s friend argues that Uganda’s safety lies in the case management success stories.

The American based friend to Dr Lulume further asserted that the world should consider Uganda the world’s COVID19 treatment destination.

‘Now that Uganda can thump her chest over this pandemic, it should be wise that the NRM government considers the idea that countries with the worst incidences send their patients to Uganda where the illness has been successfully managed,’ he stated.