V8 car in pieces! Leader of Opposition Betty Aol Ochan survives deadly accident

Car in pieces! Leader of Opposition Betty Aol Ochan survives deadly accident. Whisper Eye Reports.

The Leader of Opposition (LOP) in Uganda parliament also Gulu district Woman MP hon Betty Ochan Aol has survived a nasty road accident today Monday, June 15 as she was heading to Kampala.

MP Ochan was traveling in her official LOP vehicle registration number UG0346H from Gulu to Kampala City in the company of her driver Denis Nono, two of her children and her Personal Assistant (PA).

According to an Eye witness at the scene told Whisper Eye News that all car occupants are safe.

Hon Ochan was appointed Leader of Opposition in 2018 replacing Kasese Woman legisilater Winnie Kizza, in a controversial process opposed by a number of key opposition leaders.

She was born in 1958 and joined Parliament in 2006 on the Forum for Democratic Change (FDC) party ticket as MP for Gulu District.

She is a humble politician and loyal to FDC party leadership.