Butcher man tastes the wrath of Uganda Police, he’s bleeding & in bad shape, Balaam says

Butcher man tests the wrath of Police, he’s bleeding and in bad shape, Balaam says . Whisper Eye Reports.

First son friend and events promoter Balaam Barugahara has blamed security officers for mistreating musician Mark Bugembe popularly known as Butcher man.

Musician and former Ghetto Vice President, Butcherman has today been beaten by Law enforcement officers on duty.

“We should respect and handle disabled people with care during law enforcement exercise,’ States Mr Barugahara.

“Today’s act and mishandling of a presidential Advisor & Ghetto President hon Butchman was rude, he added.”

Mr Barugahara has told Whisper Eye News that the security officers have misbehaved.

“Why remove his walking stick? And tore his Tshirt?He could have errored but we need to respect and observe Human Rights at all times regardless of everything!!!!.,’ Mr Balaam explained.”

According to Mr Balaam, he has been informed by Ms Jenifer Full Figure Nakagubi that; “Jajja Butchman his bleeding I pray he gets treatment”.

Buchaman rose to fame in 2005 after passionately asking the ladies, Lwaki Temumatira? (Why don’t you like me?)

The song topped 2005’s local charts and Buchaman instantly became a star.

He took over the government of Ghetto, after his boss Bobi Wine (MP Kyagulanyi Robert Ssentamu) was elected MP for Kyadondo East Constituency.

Mr Buchaman accused Bobi Wine for joining politics which was contrary to Ghetto laws.