“Ssenyonyi is a treasure hunter and a corrupt goon”, says Tamale Mirundi

Former Presidential Press Secretary Mr. Tamale Mirundi has come out to attack the COSASE chairperson Hon Joel Ssenyonyi following the ongoing investigations on the Uganda Airlines Chief Executive Officer Jennifer Bamuturaki. #UgandaNews #Uganda #WhisperEyeNews

According to Mr. Tamale Mirundi, Ssenyonyi is conniving with the likes of Capt. Mike Mukula, and Lawyer Fred Mwema who have interests in the deals of Uganda purchasing new Aircraft to add to the already existing numbers of available ones.

Mirundi says Bamuturaki earlier refused to take a bribe from Mukula and Co. to allow them to act as intermediaries in the deal and this is why they are using COSASE as the whip stick to make sure that she loses her job as the CEO of the National carrier.

Mirundi adds that the public is hoodwinked to focus its attention on the academic Qualifications of Bamuturaki not giving a look at her experience in the aviation business.

Mirundi further adds that Ssenyonyi should explain where his efforts stopped to expose those involved in the purchase of incompatible locomotives train wagons at the Uganda Railways Corporation before he even shifts his eyes to start pursuing a fresh investigation.

A furious Mirundi added that Ssenyonyi should be careful because he has all the information and evidence of his dubious dealings and on top of that his lack of authentic academic papers.

“Ssenyonyi is rotten and corrupt. Am provoking him to start a battle with me that will see all his dirty deals exposed. Let him leave the young lady alone. Ssenyonyi himself lacks credible academic papers. Let him stay in his lane.” Mirundi roared