Why Gen Tumukunde celebrated the release of Muslim clerics led by Kamoga

Why Gen Tumukunde celebrated the release of Muslim clerics led by Kamoga. Whisper Eye Reports

Former Museveni’s security minister Rtd Lt. Gen Henry Tumukunde who turned against him has celebrated the release of Muslim clerics headed by Sheikh Amiir Ummah Yunus Kamoga, Sheikh Fahad Kalungi, Sheikh Murta Mudde Bukenya and others.

“Congratulations Sheikh Yunus Kamoga your family, your followers and Ugandans at large upon your release from the prison by way of appeal,” says Gen Tumukunde.

“Our resolve will be to uphold rule of law , human rights, democracy and justice for all at all times,” he added.

It should be noted that Shiekh Kamoga and fellow Muslim clerics were arrested on orders of by then the Inspector General of Police (IGP) Gen Kale Kayihura.

Gen Tumukunde and Gen Kayihura fellow out and due to their fight president Yoweri Kaguta Museveni dropped both of them from their duties.

Many Ugandans may ask why Gem Tumukunde celebrated the release of Muslim clerics, among the reasons are one, this implicates former IGP Kayihura that he arrested them with no evidence, who is number one enemy to Gen Tumukunde.

Secondary these Muslim clerics have a lot of information about president Museveni’s security organs and how they operate.

The information is very crucial to Gem Tumukunde who declared him self to contest with president Yoweri Kaguta Museveni in the forthcoming general elections in 2021.

Sheikh Kamoga and others were arrested on charges of murder and treason.

According to the government prosecutor, they were linked to the killings of Muslim clerics that hit the country between 2011-2015.

Yesterday the Court of Appeal set them free and were released from prison.