NRM Primaries: Agriculturalist Sseremba set to defeat VP Ssekandi, calls Gen Salim Saleh for rescue

NRM Primaries: Agriculturalist Sseremba set to defeat VP Ssekandi, calls Gen Salim Saleh for rescue. Whisper Eye Reports

Pressure amounts National Resistance Movement (NRM) leaders as youthful Sseremba Godfrey Mayanja popularly known as Nkoko by residents of Bukoto Central constituency set to defeat Vice president Edward Kiwanuka Ssekandi in the ongoing party primaries.

According to our reliable source from Bukoto central, Whisper Eye news is reliably informed that residents are willing to vote for change after 25 years of Hon Ssekandi’s representation.

As pressure amounts Vice president Ssekandi invited president Museveni’s young brother Gen Salim Saleh to his rescue.

Gen Saleh asked residents to vote hon Ssekandi in NRM party primaries to accomplish government planed programs in the area including building a food processing factor to help pineapple farmers process juice from pineapples at Kyesiiga

Sseremba on why Bukoto residents should vote him

Mr Sseremba has tried to lobby for the constituency, thus many people have trusted him to take over from Hon Ssekandi.

“I lobbied for 10,000 re-usable sanitary towels from Afri-pads Ltd. I distributed them to 54 primary schools in Bukoto Central, to promote the “rentantion” of the girl child in school,” says Mr Sseremba.

In agricultural Mr Sseremba has distributed over 600, 000 quality coffee seedlings to many enthusiast farmers in the constituency under his program aimed at promoting coffee growing in the Area.