MP Odongo Otto refuses to join Bobi Wine NUP, joins unknown UEP and elected new secretary general

MP odongo otto refuses to join Bobi Wine NUP, joins unknow UEP and elected new secretary general

Opposition controversial Aruu County MP Odonga Otto has finally quit Forum for Democratic Change (FDC) after joining Uganda Economic Party (UEP).

MP Otto informed the public through his twitter.

Mr Otto tweeted that he had joined Uganda Economic Party (UEP) where he was elected as Secretary General during their delegates conference as we draw close to 2021 general elections.

“The Uganda Economic Party (UEP) held it’s delegates conference and I was elected the Party’s Secretary General,” MP Otto tweeted.

UEP advocates for “economic rights” of all Ugandans. Looking for economic empowerment of citizens, according to party leaders.

UEP has its offices located at Plot 14 William Street, Kirumira Towers in Kampala Central.

UEP is currently led by Mr James Wantetena.

Many MPs have crossed to different political Parties as we get nearer to 2021 genera elections.

Otto joins several legislators like Gerald Karuhanga, Kassiano Wadri, Paul Mwiru who joined Rtd. Gen. MUgisha Muntu’s Alliance for National Transformation (ANT) party.

About 8 Buganda DP MPs are officially joining NUP.

Other MPs from National Resistance Movement (NRM) have joined (NUP)/ People Power alliance lead by Kyadondo East MP Kyagulanyi Robert Ssentamu.