Video: Mabirizi 1 vs Kyagulanyi 0: Parliament records department updated Bobi Wine’s date of Birth

Mabirizi 1 vs 0 Kyagulanyi: Parliament records department updated Bobi Wine’s date of Birth. Whisper Eye Reports

Controversial city lawyer Male Hassan Mabirizi Kassim Kiwanuka has defeated Kyadondo East MP Kyagulanyi Sentamu Robert popularly known as Bobi Wine on the issue of age.

Yesterday Parliament records department has updated Bobi Wine’s age from what he presented recently that he (Kyagulanyi) was born February 12, 1982 to February 12, 1980 as proved by Uganda National Examinations Board (UNEB).

It started as joke, when lawyer Male Mabirizi told the public that Kyadondo East MP was not born in 1982 as he claims.

City Lawyer MAbirizi while presenting Bobi Wine’s academic papers

Mabirizi petitioned the Electoral Commission (EC) to avail MP Kyagulanyi’s certified copies of his academic papers, which EC did.

From the availed certified copies of Mr Wine’s academic papers it was found out that while he was joining Makerere University the birth date on his admission form indicated 12th February 1980, contrary to what he had present to Parliament 12th February 1982.

On Thursday August 28, 2020 UNEB availed Mr Kyagulanyi’s original copies of his academic papers for O-level and A-level which confirmed his birth date as 12th February 1980.