Norbert Mao beats odds, opens new DP branch offices in Bukomansimbi

Mao beats odds, open new DP branch office in Bukomansimbi. Whisper Eye Reports.

Opposition Democratic Party (DP) president Mr Norbert Mao has opened up party offices in Bukomansimbi and sworn in a new district executive committee at Kawoko, Butenga Sub county.

The new office located in Bukomansimbi South organised by the new DP district chairman who is also the area MP Hon. Deo Kiyingi.

The main concept is to create all possible conditions for members to entrench Democratic Party and winning all elective positions according to the organisers.

President Norbert Mao in his speech to the newly sworn-in district leadership at Diz Motel in Bukomansimbi Town Council said,

“We can say many years, and maybe many decades. It’s going to be a fantastic start, a fantastic day. And that spirit will only be magnified, will only — with this man right here, (Hon. Deo Kiyingi) I know that for a fact,” says Mr Mao.

“So thank you all for being here. It’s great to be with you, the extraordinary men and women of the Bukomansimbi DP leadership,” he added.

Mr Mao appreciated all DP leasers who sacrifice a lot to the Party.

“I also want to thank the outgoing leaders for joining us this evening,” he said.

“This day is a testament to your exceptional leadership while member of Parliament, Deo-a skill and service that’s been honed over a lifetime, no matter what, president Mao remarked.

He introduced the aspiring candidates on various posts to DP leaders.

“We’re joined by new aspiring candidates in the Democratic Party primary nominations Pamela for Bukomansimbi Woman MP and Mulindwa Andrew for Bukomansimbi South Constituency, And I want to thank you both for sharing this wonderful moment with us all, says Mr Mao.