Bobi Wine new party NUP sponsors youthful Joram Kisembo to defeat Minister Adolf Mwesige

Bobi Wine new party NUP sponsors youthful Kisembo Joram to defeat Museveni’s Minister Adolf Mwesige in Bunyangabu county. Whisper Eye Updates

Opposition National Unity Platform (NUP) is planning a master class move to defeat president Museveni’s trusted minister of Defence and Veterans Affairs in the Cabinet of Uganda Adolf Kasaija Mwesige.

Youthful Kisembo Joram populary known as Omusokya has mobilised the youths in the constituency to vote out Minister Mwesige.

In an exclusive interview Mr Kisembo told Whisper Eye that he is to focus on empowering the youths and women.

” I want to lead provide trusted and dependable representation to my people. Areas of focus; Youth empowerment and talent promotion, Education, Health,Agriculture value addition and Human Rights defending,” says Mr Kisembo.

In 2010 Mr Kisembo was elected the youth leader for Katebwa Sub County.

Due to his extra ordinary mobilisation of his fellow youths in Rwenzori and Tooro Sub regions forwarded him for Western Youth MP in 2011, although he did not make it to Parliament.

Mr Kisembo represented Uganda in Inter University Debate competitions.

And in 2005 he won the National youth essay competition on Corruption and Good governance organised by Uganda Debt Network and the youth Taskforce.

On 2rd August 2006 was recognised for contributing to peace Building in Schools by Church of Uganda under Head of peace and Human Rights programme
He also represented Uganda in African youth forum and many others
Sports person of the year 2005.

According to residents of Bunyangabu Mr Adolf Mwesige is to fight hard to bounce back in the 11th Parliament.

Adolf Kasaija Mwesige was born on 4 April, 1966.

He is a lawyer and politician who has served as Minister of Defence and Veterans Affairs in the Cabinet of Uganda since 6 June 2016.

He previously served as Minister of Local Government from 18 February 2009 to 6 June 2016.

He has also been the elected Member of Parliament for Bunyangabu County, Kabarole District, since 1996.

In July 2017, Bunyangabu County was peeled off Kabarole District to form Bunyangabu district.