Bobi Wine’s people power structures dismantled, agrees to work under strongman ‘Kizza Besigye’ guidance

By Whisper Eye Reporter

Bobi Wine’s people power structures dismantled, agrees to work under DR kizza Besigye guidance . Whisper Eye Reports.

Uganda’s president Gen Yoweri Kaguta Museveni promised to crash opposition elements by 2021, he might have partly achieved his dream.

According to Whisper Eye reliable sources, Hon Kyagulanyi Robert Ssentamu’s People Power national wide structures have been dismantled by General Museveni invisible hand.

People Power Movement secret coordinators in the Northern, Western and Eastern regions have joined the ruling NRM .

Kyadondo East MP hon Kyagulanyi pop music star popularly known by his stage name Bobi Wine has remained with Buganda region structures where Mr Museveni invisible hand is fighting to have control.

With the damage of losing coordinators, Mr Wine has made up a tricky decision to back former bus war fighter Rt Col. Dr Kiiza Besigye Kifeefe and work closely with his trusted structures.

The two have had more than three meetings to design a formula which will defeat president Museveni in 2021 during the covid-19 period.

According to some resolutions from the meetings, in 2021 presidential polls Bobi Wine has always insisted that Dr Kizza Besigye backs him for president which the four time presidential candidate is yet to object to.

However sources close to Rtd Col Kizza Besigye say Besigye maintains his stand that Uganda elections under president Museveni are a shame .