2021 race: Minister Raphael Magyezi says reports saying he won’t stand as Igara West MP are fake

2021 race: Minister Raphael Magyezi says reports saying he won’t stand as Igara West MP are fake. Whisper Eye Reports

Igala County West legislator the 2017 controversial ‘Togikwatako’ Age limit private Bill mover Minister Raphael Magyezi has dismissed reports that he has withdrawn from the parliamentary race.

Magyezi who has been the Igala West legislator since the 9th Parliament has confirmed to Whisper Eye News that he is contesting for the seat come 2021.

“Anybody saying that I won’t stand as Igala West MP in the forthcoming general elections is working for my opponents, such information is fake,’ says MP Magyezi.

” I’m planning to hold a press conference and clear the air. You should know that I’m strong on the ground and ready to defeat anybody who thinks that is stronger,” the legislator explained.

MP Magyezi became popular in 2017 after he successfully tabled a private members bill that amended the Age limit clause in the constitution of Uganda.