Survey: Climate activist Mugerwa leading with 42%, Sewungu on 32% for Kalungu West MP race

Survey: Climate activist Mugerwa leading with 42%, Sewungu on 32% for Kalungu West MP race

Environment activist Mugerwa Timothy is leading with 42% in Kalungu West MP race.

Mr Mugerwa is an independent candidate which has given him the advantage of aligning people from all political parties to work with him for the good of Kalungu.

According to residents of Kalungu West, they say that Mr Mugerwa is developmental and he has proved that he can make a good legislator in his campaign message.

According to the opinion polls conducted in Kalungu West constituency, National Unity Platform (NUP) candidate who is the incumbent Hon Gonzaga Joseph Sewungu is in the second position with 32%.

National Resistance Movement (NRM) flag bearer Mugagga Joseph is in the third position with 20.3%, and others scored 5.7%.

Residents told Whisper Eye news that hon Ssewungu asked for two terms which he has served already.