Road to 2021: Greed of our loved leaders. Youth , Dump Them – Mwaka Lutukumoi


” Every generation has got a mission to fulfill or betray….” Frank Fanon.  Yes, when we were growing up, at 14 years we would push the cars of Hon Norbert Mao and Okumu Reagan,  MP Aswa since 1996. 

I remember,  Tonny kitara , pido and Olanya chairman 1 bardege were older. Actually Tony became political assistant of Hon Reagan.  He was L3 chairman of Bwungatira. When he suggested getting to parliament, hell broke loose. He became a swon Enemy of Regan.  Now he is vying for Gulu west.  

In 1994, I was hardly 14 years now 42. Many Acholi were so proud of,  the leaders we had. If Hon Reagan makes it again, it will make him 30 years in parliament.  

My little cousin was named Reagan Lucaci after the great MP and statesman. The boy has completed university and and if he comes from Aswa he would be competing against a man he was named after. 

This is true to many MPS and leaders.  The difference between them and President Museveni is the name. President Museveni is the life President and the MPs are life members. 


If it’s to,  it’s up to you reading.  To give up political office like Winnie did is not that she hates money but loves Bakonzo people.  She fears existential threats to her tribe and country’s young. What do you justify attacking Museveni for overstay when you can’t give way for others? 

You insulate your greed, by disguising as opposition,  an advocate against land grabbers and your tribe when through your agents you hypocritically grab and buy land because you are stinking rich. 

 You abuse corruption in government yet monthly you earn more than 20 million shillings.  Your children are in best schools and eat well yet your voters breed you boda boda and security guards.  During campaign you speak to bring heavens closer. You go to meet people with rags, yet you are supper rich.  You live in heavenly homes. Oh, God, intervene.

For those who don’t run ensure their party candidates win. When a member is from a Party,  monthly they contribute over 2 million shillings to their parties. If independent, they must contribute even 3 million monthly to their constituencies development.  Imagine MPs and mayors contributing for it society.  

Greed can not allow.  You realize parties and old leaders will plant own candidates so they benefit from their pay check.  Too much hypocrisy.  

Imagine,  I looked at Gulu East election,  we have young versatile and vibrant leaders like JB Uhuru,  like Atimango Nancy. In 2006, I was their age but Party leaders and traditionalists fought me tooth and nails.  

The same was in 2011. They fight any young vibrant leaders for own  stooge leaders, relatives or friends they want. Now without shame,  they will plant their agents.

  But the young and Acholi must decide on their own choices.  Choices must be based on ability to debate, network, lobby  and a philanthropist heart. The young people must not be fought or ignored. 

The moral question,  where do you damp a Mwaka Lutukumoi who for 20 years built a local,  national and international brand? 

Where will Atimango and Uhuru practice their leadership.  Mwaka supported you at 14, at 42 he is almost in the evening of his politics.  

He wants to compete for Uganda presidency in near future,  but because you don’t want him and have your Party interests,  you go against him.  

With knowledge,  he is mature, he must have a term or two and live way to the young Lucaci Regan.  If you create a Jam, when will a tribe have new leadership? Guys, let’s wake up. 

At National level,  the youth are including themselves after being excluded by the regime and own opposition parties.  Bobi wine came from no where and turned tables.

Mwaka Lutukumoi is leaving life and work in new York to come and provide Acholi export to Uganda.  

Mwaka Lutukumoi