Exclusive: Presidential hopeful Mugerwa Timothy withdraws from race, backs Bobi Wine for President

Exclusive: presidential hopeful Mugerwa Timothy to withdraws from race, backs Bobi Wine for President. Whisper Eye Reports

Green New Deal presidential candidate Mugerwa Timothy in talks with National Unity Platform President (NUP), also Kyadondo East MP Kyagulanyi Robert Ssentamu populary known as Bobi Wine.

The hope of getting Uganda’s first green Presidential candidate is fading after inside sources with in the Green New Deal camp intimated to us that their candidate is holding talks with People power to leave the race for Bobi Wine.

A source has revealed to Whisper Eye that Mr Mugerwa has met the NUP president Mr Wine for two times last week discusing the same.

Mr Kyagulanyi is meeting leaders of different political parties and platforms ahead of a highly rated competitive general elections early next near.

Mr Mugerwa a renowned environmentalist declared his presidential candidature early this year and was cleared by the Electoral commission to consult voters.

His ideologies are underpinned on development, environmental, and transformational leadership.

It is not yet clear when he’ll announce his withdrawal officially as we draw close to 2921.

The Environment activist is born in Kalungu, and its is not clear whether he will consider contesting for any elective position.

However inside information indicate he could stand in Kalungu against DPs Joseph Gonzaga Sewungu whose two terms have come to an end.

According to electorates in Kalungu West constituency MP Sewungu while seeking a second term promised voters that he would not seek a third term.

Whisper Eye shall Keep you posted! – Ultimate Truths