Kiryandongo Woman MP Hellen Kahunde tests positive for Covid-19

Kiryandongo Woman MP Hellen Kahunde Max tests positive for Covid-19. Whisper Eye Reports.

Uganda media is all filled up with news that a member of parliament has tested positive for the deadly covid-19 pandemic.

Yes its true Hellan Kahunde Max has tested positive for covid-19.

Whisper Eye has learnt that Helen commonly refereed to as mama wakaazi the Kiryandongo Woman MP, on Tuesday was admitted at Mulago Referral Hospital after a test for the deadly covid-19 turned positive.

According to a family source the Honourable MP felt unwell before volunteering to take a test at Mulago hospital for covid-19.

Speaker Rebecca Kadaga on Wednesday also announced that “starting from tomorrow, Thursday, 16 July 2020, the Parliament will start screening the MPs for COVID19 at Parliament.”

She further said the staff will also be screened later.

The controversial Member of parliament who declined to use the 20 shs to fight covid=19 is the first law maker to test positive for COVID-19 since the outbreak of the pandemic in Uganda .

The coronavirus disease 2019 (COVID–19) is a communicable respiratory disease caused by a new strain of coronavirus that causes illness in humans.

Uganda currently has registered 1043 covid-19 cases since its outbreak earlier this year.