People were just excited about me, says embattled Minister Acheng

People were just excited about me, was not campaigning, says embattled Minister Acheng. Whisper Eye Updates

Embattled Uganda Health Minister Dr Jane Ruth Aceng has reacted on Aromo sub county Lira district incident where she was seen with a big crowd of people without observing Covid-19 preventive measures.

In her response, Museveni’s minister Dr Aceng said that those are just social media allegations that she mobilised apolitical rally.

‘My attention is drawn to social media posts of pictures of me meeting crowds with no social distancing and no masks and even alleging that I was holding a political rally,’ says Minister Dr Aceng.

“I would like to reiterate that I was not holding a political rally”, Dr Aceng stated.

According to Dr Aceng she was launching the distribution of face masks.

“I was launching the distribution of face masks in Aromo Sub county and training people on how to properly use the masks on Friday July 10, 2020”, she explained.

Dr Aceng expalide further that by the time she was orienting Village Health Teams (VHTs), there was a nearby function, other youth were also being oriented on the processes for distribution of the Long lasting mosquito net, according to Minister Dr Aceng.

“They got excited when they heard about face masks, and specifically the Minister for health whom they call ‘mama Corona’ and rushed to see me,’ says Dr Aceng.

Lira district woman M MP aspirant Dr Aceng said that it very difficult to control them “they were difficult to control as seen in the picture as many wanted to take pictures and also get masks from me”.

However reliable source from Aromo Sub county informed Whisper Eye news that there were people who mobilised these people three days before the function.

The mobilisers concentrated mainly on women and youths on argument that they are the biggest percentage that votes.

Dr Aceng argues that she took time to educate these youth on the same as well as on the face masks.

“They left as very knowledgeable people appreciating the importance of face masks and social distancing,’ she adds.

Minister Acheng confirmed to Whisper Eye News her interest to contest for Lira district woman MP.

“As the Minister who is at the helm of the Corona response and an aspiring Woman MP of Lira District, I am cognizant of the rules and guidelines that we as government have put in place” she said.

She has continued to ask all Ugandans to wear masks, maintain social distance and wash your hands with soap regularly to prevent COVID19.

The Christians hope will base on Jesus Christ teachings ‘do what I say, but do not what I do’.