Sad Story: DRC refugee commits suicide at Kyaka II settlement in Uganda

Sad Story: DRC refugee commits suicide at Kyaka II settlement in Uganda.

A Congolese’s refugee in Uganda has committed suicide inside his house at Kyaka II settlement located in Kyegegwa .Whisper Eye Reports.

The 42-year-old Umaga Absalome allegedly hanged himself after getting tired of the refugee life in Uganda  which meant going days without food. Sources said that out of frustration, he used a scarf to hang himself on a timber roof wood inside his house .

The settlement officials in Bukere Zone  did not respond to Whisper Eye inquiries, saying they are yet to get details regarding the death.

Mr Clovis a refugee confirmed the death of the refugee and said they were saddened to learn of his demise.

“We, at Kyaka Settlement, are profoundly shocked and saddened by the tragic death and apparent suicide of a refugee today at Kyaka 2  .Our thoughts and condolences are with his family and friends.

“The deceased person, a DRC national was recognised as a refugee by the Government of Uganda.

 We are in close contact with the Uganda  police, who have launched an investigation to clarify the circumstances surrounding his death. one of the local leaders told Whisper Eye.

He left a family of six children and a wife.

Kyaka II settlement was established in 2005 by Uganda to receive the remaining population of Kyaka I following the mass repatriation of Rwandan refugees the same year.

The Renewed violence in the Democratic Republic of Congo (DRC) in mid-December 2017 led to a new refugee influx into Uganda, with an estimated 17,000 new refugee arrivals in Kyaka II.

This brought the settlement’s population to roughly 62,535 as of early June 2018.