Busted Family Affair: Untouchable! Mukasa Aloysius is a brother in-law to NUP President Bobi Wine

Family Affair: Untouchable! Mukasa Aloysius is a brother in-law to NUP President Bobi Wine. Whisper Eye Reports

Opposition National Unity Platform (NUP) president Kyagulanyi Robert Ssentamu popularly known as Bobi Wine yesterday sacked his vice chairperson of the Elections Management commission Senior Samuel Walter Lubega Mukaaku at a critical moment when the struggle of liberating Uganda demand more pressure on to president Museveni.

Whisper Eye News as usual has finally landed to a contagious issue that could have led to the sacking of Mr Mukaaku.

Mr Wine and his family has been exposed.

The facts that led to the sacking of Mukaaku was orchestrated by His political opponent Mukasa Aloysious and actualised by Bobi Wine’s elder brother Nyanzi Fred Ssentamu who is popularly known as Chairman Nyanzi.

General Salim Saleh’s blue eyed boy is in romantic relationship with the only Bobi Wine’s sister Namuleme Catherine.

Privy sources close to Kamwokya based family told Whisper Eye that Ms Namuleme has a lot influence in the Ssentumu’s family.

She takes care of of their children mainly during the holiday as the aunt.

Those who fought the bush war with the National Resistance Army (NRA) have a great experience in the game.

When general Salim Saleh discovered that Ms Namuleme has a big influence on Kyadondo East MP Kyagulanyi Robert Ssentamu he financed his aide Mr Mukasa Aloysius to date her and promise the lady heaven on earth using money to get control over Bobi Wine.

Experienced Gen Saleh was very right with his calculations, and indeed succeeded with his plan.

With the influence of money through Chairman Nyanzi to the sister Namuleme Gen Saleh has control over NUP.

“Aloysious Mukasa parks his ambulance at Namuleme’s boutique/shop located at Kamwokya every day during lunch time and always comes in the evening to take her home,” says a resident of Kamwokya.

The source further revealed that Mr Mukasa Aloysius injected money in Ms Namuleme’s boutique and those who visits Kamwokya are aware of this, the boutique changed a few months ago.

A reliable source further told us that Mr Mukasa Aloysius used his products of Kabina enlargement products to hook Ms Namuleme.

“It started when Mr Mukasa donated free Kabina enlargement products to Ms Namuleme. With time they became friends and now they are lovers who are planning a wedding,” the source said further.

“They asked Mr Mukaaku to give way to Ms Namuleme’s lover in Rubaga and he refused. They had to sack him,” the source added.

According to those close to Kamwokya NUP headquarters, intimated to Whisper Eye news that Mr Mukasa Aloysius has injected a lot of money in the ‘Ssentumu’ family and in political activities of People Power Movement through Ms Namuleme and Chairman Nyanzi.

Whisper Eye Shalll Keep You Updated on this development.