NRM youthful leader Eng Sewaava Mukasa asks Minister Acheng to resign

NRM youthful leader Eng Sewaava asks Minister Acheng to resign. Whisper Eye Reports

National Resistance Movement (NRM) youth leader Eng Sewava Joseph Mukasa has asked Health Minister Dr Jane Ruth Aceng to resign immediately over holding a political rally during Covid-19 lock down without following the preventive measures.

On Saturday Minister Dr Aceng appeared in the public in Lira town, without a mask, and not having social distancing an act that has been criticised national wide.

The minister scored highly in the battle to fight the Covid-19 pandemic in the country, as the country has never recorded any death.

And many Covid-19 patients have recovered from the sickness.

However, after the recorded success the public has asked the president and health officials to ease lock down.

But their calls have been turned down, on argument that the government and health ministry has no capacity to provide treatment to the overwhelming number if, it is not managed well.

Now with Dr Aceng’s act, the public had criticised her demanding resignation including NRM party leaders.

“Minister Aceng must resign immediately, we cannot sleep with such medical personnel who is at the front line behaving abnormally,’ says Mr Sewava.

Jane Ruth Aceng, is a Ugandan pediatrician and politician. However in her recently issued statement she denied holding a political rally and emphasised that she was sentsizing people on how to use face masks.

She is the Minister of Health in the Cabinet of Uganda. She was appointed to that position on 6 June 2016.

Before that, from June 2011 until June 2016, she served as the Director General of Medical Services in the Ugandan Ministry of Health.