MP Nambooze survives car accident as police attempt to arrest her, driver sustains injuries

MP Nambooze survives car accident as police attempt to arrest her, driver sustains injuries. Whisper Eye Reports

Police in Mukono have knocked Mukono municilality MP Betty Nambooze Bakireke’s car intentionally in the battle to arrest her.

Eye Witnesses told Whisper Eye that MP Nambooze and her team of only four people were giving out masks in Kamme Valley Market after invitation from vendors and public out cry to get masks from their MP.

Police after evading the market to arrest MP Nambooze, during the scuffle, she walked away from the market .

Unfortunately police offices thought that she was running away using her vehicle, it knocked the car using a police patrol.

MP Nambooze driver Kiyimba Fred in an attempt to dodge the police patrol hit a trailer.

Kiyimba Fred, the driver of MP Nambooze

“My driver Mr Fredrick Kiyimba is nursing a hand that suffered muscle strain after police forcefully in the middle of the road grabbed the steering of my car as a trailer was coming at a high speed and almost crashed us,’ says MP Nambooze.

“This young man was struggling to avoid the accident. Police officers grabbed him from the car handcuffed and beat him up as they dragged him and pushed him under the Police pickup seats, she explained.”

Mr Kiyimba is admitted at Namirembe Church of Uganda hospital in Mukono Central Division.

MP Nambooze who is also the vice president of the Democratic Party (DP) in Buganda region launched a program called Life is Wealth, “Obulamu bwe Bugagga”, through which she is giving out sanitary water tanks, masks in the battle to fight Covid-19 pandemic.