Covid-19: Uganda’s tally hits 522 after 15 test positive

The ministry of health has confirmed 15 new COVID-19 cases, bringing the Uganda’s total tally to 522. Whisper Eye Reports.

Health ministry announced the new cases on Thursday morning, noting that all were Truck drivers and contacts of the same .

Uganda is one of 52 African countries that have recorded COVID-19 cases. The country has now recorded a record 522 cases with over 82 recoveries with no death .

Results from samples tested on 03 June 2020 confirm 4 cases are truck drivers who arrived through Mutukula Tanzania and 2 cases are truck drivers from Busia .

That of the 9 cases from contacts and alerts; 3 from Amuru, 2 from Kyotera, 1 from Buikwe, 1 from Nakaseke, 1 from Lira and 1 from Kampala districts. , a statement reads .

In other news the additional 32 positive foreign truck drivers were handed to their country of origin.

Globally, more than 6.19 million people have tested positive for COVID-19, with over 376,000 deaths. Over 3,077,933 patients have fully recovered.