I have no powers to grant you People Power ticket, Bobi Wine tells his cordinators

I have no power to grant you People Power ticket, power belongs to the people, Bobi Wine to his cordinators

People Power, Our Power Movement supreme leader who doubles as the area MP for Kyadondo East county Kyagulanyi Robert Ssentamu has ordered his national coordinators to look for people’s mandate not his endorsement.

While addressing the first ever People Power coordinators crucial meeting since 2018, MP Kyagulanyi also known as Bobi Wine frankly told his coordinators to work and be endorsed by the People.

The three-hour meeting at People Power headquarters at Kamwokya, Kampala discussed a number of issues and on top of the agenda was the preparation of the movement ahead of 2021 general elections.

Mr Kirumira Lwanga, the people power coordinator in Kyotera district asked Mr Wine, about the challenge of having many People Power candidates contesting on one lost.

In his reaction, pop music star who turned politician openly told his coordinators that he will endorse anybody.

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“I have no power to endorse you, work hard talk to everyone and get united. Its the people to decide not me,’ says Mr Wine.

” If you have failed to agree on a simple issue like agreeing on having one candidate in each position then, you have failed to understand this struggle, he expanded.”

MP Kyagulanyi asked all coordinators to fully participate in all activities that intends to fight dictatorship in Uganda.

Whisper Eye is reliably informed, that after the meeting, some coordinators complained about Bobi Wine’s decision not to ring fence their positions for parliamentary and local governments.