I can’t breathe when God’s house is still closed , Bishop Kiganda cries out

I can’t breathe when God’s house is still closed , Bishop Kiganda cries out. Whisper Eye Updates

Bishop David Livingston Kiganda of Christian Focus Center Church in Kisenyi, Kampala has requested Uganda government to unlock Churches and other places of worship.

Bishop Kiganda has declared an ultimatum of 24 hours to effect his request.

The outspoken Religious leader, Bishop Kiganda has declared to dress in sacks as a sign to show his unsatisfactory over what he called unfair lock down on churches due to Covid-19 pandemic.

He draws his inspiration from the biblical book of Esther were sackcloth was used as a symbol of debasement, mourning, and repentance.

He stated that extended Church closures are a sign that the nation does not put its trust in God, or credit God for the past accomplishments in the Covid-19 fight.

“Esther 4:1 describes Mordecai tearing his clothes, putting on sackcloth and ashes, and walking out into the city ‘wailing loudly and bitterly.’ Bishop Kiganda quoted from the Bible.

According to the Bible, this was his reaction to King Xerxes’ declaration giving Haman authority to destroy the Jews (Esther 3:8–15).

“No one should be surprised when you will see us in this new type of attire while praying and lamenting for our nation and it’s leadership and asking God to forgive us for comparing him to a mere virus,” Bishop Kiganda said on Tuesday.

He said that he can’t breath anymore when God’s house is still closed.

Many religious leaders have come up boldly to request president Museveni to open places of worship.

A week ago, Dr Abed Bwanika of Christian Witness Church (CWC), Ntinda.
asked President Museveni to reopen churches, arguing that Uganda has less than 70 Covid-19 victims.

Dr Bwanika said that most of the Covid-19 patients have recovered, and to continue calling them Covid-19 patients is not right.