2021 Race: DP’s Nabukenya Brenda energies camp to reclaim Luweero Woman MP seat

DP’s Nabukenya Brenda energies camp to reclaim Luweero woman MP seat.Whisper Eye Reports

Democratic Party (DP) Luweero Woman MP aspirant Hon Nabukenya has embarked on her campaign to reclaim the parliamentary seat from ruling National Resistance Movement (NRM).

Hon Nabukenya has met several teams in the district as part of her revised plan for the 2021 general elections.

On Saturday a number youths from NRM in Wobulenzi town Council joined Nabukenya arguing that the government has not helped them during this period of lock down due to Covid-19.

Eng Nakate polled 56,573 against Nabukenya’s 53,558 votes in 2016.

The Uganda Young Democrats (UYD) secretary for Social Welfare Mr Ssambwa Timothy, who doubles as the the UYD coordinator in Nabukenya’s camp, told Whisper Eye that the team has prepared enough to defeat incumbent NRM MP Eng Nakate.

“The previous election in 2016 was galvanized with ballot stuffing, intimidation and vote bribery,’says Mr Ssambwa.

“We are working upon training our agents on how to guard the votes, and protect Declaration Forms (DR Forms), Mr Ssambwa added.”

However Nabukenya has uphill task as new entrants and old guards are also eyeing the seat.

Currently about five other aspirants are in the race already.

Cissy Mulondo a Luweero based Businesswoman has been very practical in the district .

Ms Cissy commonly refereed to as Maama Luweero says shes the new chapter for the district.

The New Entrant

Others include; Prossy Najjuka, who is playing the cards as an independent candidate, Luweero district Councillor Zenar Nasur, Councillor Joy Namulindwa and former Luwero woman MP Hon Rebecca Nalwanga among others

Whisper Eye News is reliably informed that the Political battle is likely to take new twist as reports indicate that the current Luweero RDC may also join the race soon .