Ssebulime Cold Murder: Court issues summons to AG & killer Uganda police officer

Ssebulime Cold Murder: Court issues summons to AG & killer Uganda police officer.Whisper Eye Updates

Mukono High Court has summoned the attorney general and the suspected Ssebulime Ronald killer cop.

Ssebulime Ronald was killed on orders of unknown top security officer immediately after his arrest on allegations that he wanted to murder Kayunga district Woman MP Erioda Nantaba.

Now the family seek over 8 Billion’s through court. Whisper Eye has learnt.

According to Mukono High Court summons on Whisper Eye desk , the Court has set July 16, 2020, as commencement date for mediation proceedings in a case filed by Nakayita Silvia, Nakazibwe Irene and Namubiru Esther the administrators of the estate of the late Ssebulime Ronald And Cause No. 77 of 2019.

Through their lawyers of M/s Muwada & Co. Advocates, the administrators of late Ssebulime Ronald filed Civil Suit No.13 of 2020 in Mukono High Court against the Government of Uganda and the Killer cop a one Corporal Ssali David who is accused of pulling the trigger that killed on spot the late.

Ssebulime Ronald was killed at Nagojje village, Mukono on the 24th March 2019.

In the court papers filed by the Ssebuliime family, they accuse the Government of Uganda which they sued through the Attorney General, for negligence and unlawfully causing the death of the late Ssebulime Ronald.

The family allege that by the time of Ssebulime death, whose death was proved by death certificate indicating “he died of hemorrhage due to gunshot wounds”.

The family further state that he “had been in custody of Uganda police officers as agents of Government of Uganda, had been searched and found harmless, handcuffed and helpless was mercilessly shot by a one Corporal Ssali David aided and abated by other police officers on police patrol number UP 5745”. States family members.

The plaint in part reads “The plaintiffs shall aver and contend that the death of late Ssebulime Ronald was caused solely by the negligence of the defendants, was unlawful and the deceased was in lawful custody of the defendants and or government of Uganda.

“The deceased was arrested by Uganda Police officers, handcuffed by Police Officers and was in custody of Uganda Police Force and or government of Uganda”, family members allege.

Plaintiffs further allege that the defendants and government of Uganda had a legal duty to protect the life and property of the deceased whilst in their custody.

The government of Uganda on 15 June 2020 filed its defense in Mukono High Court in which the Attorney General of Uganda generally filed a plain denial.

According to the plaintiffs lawyers, the Written statement of Defence filed by the Attorney General on behalf of the defendants has no single attachment.

Its most probable the Attorney General had not anticipated this case.

“Our efforts to crosscheck the mediation proceedings established that the Attorney general shall present an official appointed by Uganda Police Force to negotiate on behalf of Uganda police, Mr Muwada Nkunyingi stated.”

The Murder of the late Sebulime attracted public sympathy and has remained one of the non-solved murders.

The family through their lawyers of M/S Muwada & Co. Advocates made several efforts to seek justice and they seem to still be determined.

Whisper Eye shall make efforts to contact all sides and keep our readers informed on the progress of the case.