How 19 year old boda boda boy got frustrated over corrupt Uganda Police and burnt himself

How 19 year old boda boda boy got frustrated over corrupt Uganda Police and burnt himself. Whisper Eye Reports

Walugembe Hussien 19, a boda boda rider has burnt him self to death in Masaka Central Police Station custody after police officers asked him money to release his boda boda.

Mr Walugembe was arrested carrying a passenger on his motor cycle which is contrary with the presidential directives banning the boda bodas from carrying passengers due to Covid-19 pandemic.

Whisper Eye News has been reliably informed that Mr Walugembe failed to recovery his motor cycle impounded by the police today, Thursday July 2, 2020.

He was arrested at around 8am and tried to negotiate with traffic officers he found inside to give him back the motorcycle which was reportedly impounded on Tuesday for allegedly flouting curfew guidelines, and carrying a passenger.

Southern Regional Police Commander told Whisper Eye that one of the traffic officer who was inside the office at the time of the incident, sustained burns.

“Mr Walugembe has been working with the police to transport food supplies and was also staying in the police barracks,’ says Mr Mbaine

“This incident is regrettable. We have already ordered Police Professional Standards Unit to investigate and once we find any of our officers culpable, he or she will face the law,” he added.

Walugembe’s body was taken to Masaka Regional Referral Hospital for postmortem, and the police officer is admitted for treatment.

Many people have come out and requested president Museveni to ease lockdown on businesses most especially boda bodas and Arcades in Kampala.

As of July 2, 2020, Uganda has 903 confirmed cases and no deaths from COVID-19, the disease caused by the Corona Virus.

It is alleged that Uganda has less than 80 Covid-19 victims and the rest recovered and were discharged.

Dr Abed Bwanika told Whisper Eye on Saturday last week that Uganda had only 68 Covid-19 patients.

He said that when a person recovers from a disease he ceases to be suffering from that particular disease.