Bobi Wine appoints Dr Mirembe Joel national coordinator for professionals in people power

Bobi Wine appoints Dr Mirembe Joel the national coordinator for professionals in people power. Whisper Eye Reports.

Mawokota South MP aspirant Dr Mirembe Joel Nsubuga was appointed the National coordinator of professionals in the country.

Dr Mirembe has been the national coordinator of medical practitioners in the country in Bobi Wine People Power, Our Power Movement.

Whisper Eye is reliably informed that Kyadondo East MP hon Kyagulanyi Robert Ssentamu also known as Bobi Wine, is promoting Dr Mirembe for a specific assignment very soon.

‘I accept the new responsibility, it is a challenge to me and to all of us,’ says Dr Mirembe.

“The main challenge of our country, is we the professional Ugandans, we have abandoned leadership for the last 30years, and we all see the trend the country is taking. There must be a rejuvenated efforts to provide direction, he explained.

Dr Mirembe is aspiring for Mawokota South MP seat in Mpigi district represented by Hon John Bosco Lubyayi Sseguya.

Dr Mirembe(green circle) seated behind Bobi Wine

Others in the race are Counsel Yusufu Nsibambi, EALA MP Susan Nakawuki, Eng Mathias Walakira among others.

Mirembe Joel, is a Medical doctor (MBChB-MUST 2013), currently practicing medical doctor, and Secretary Kampala Branch Uganda Medical Association (UMA).

Member of UMA National Governing Council representing Young Doctors of Uganda .

He is Founder and the team leader of The Empowered Community Uganda (TEC-UGANDA) a national humanitarian initiative with a vision of building self- sustaining communities.

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TEC-Uganda pillars and focuses on health promotion, leadership development, social justice advocacy, empowering the under-served communities through education and skills acquisition.

Notably in 2016, when Uganda government decreed to force junior doctors to work for free for two years after graduating among other draconian policies.

He Mobilized medical students in 5 universities and protested the draconian policies through peaceful demonstrations and redress from courts of law which forced the state to withdraw and halt the said policies to date.

He has directly participated in both diplomatic negotiations with Ministry of Health (MoH) and other stakeholders on behalf of doctors, medical students, and the patient.

In 2018, when was elected president Medical Interns, he formed and became the first leader of FUMI, a forum that brings together over one thousand (1000), junior doctors, nurses, and pharmacists yearly.

At time of his election as national president of medical interns, there was no established leadership structures and this contributed grossly poor handover of office, and lack of sustainability.

Under FUMI, he organized medical interns leadership, advocated for patient rights especially through the internal campaign of no essential medicines no work, and further advocated for the welfare of the members, this included taking petitioning of the right hon. Speaker of parliament Rebecca Alitwala Kadaga, ministry of public service to reinstate these front line health workers under ministry of public service with a clear better salary scale.

A petition was delivered, received and debated at the floor of parliament 2018/2019.

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He is now a member of the FUMI board of trustee.

Dr Mirembe is a humanitarian, an activist of health equity and social justice.

He has done several short course in leadership including but not limited to
Social Medicine, University of Minnesota-USA a courses exploring structural violence, social injustice, and health inequity etiologies and the pragmatic ways to salvage those grave blocks to the development of Africa.

Global Health Certificate Course, offered by Global Health Focus / Makerere University directed by Prof Don Prisino II
Negotiation skill, University of Michigan, USA among others