Terrible! Kabale Man arrested for raping his mother

Kabale man arrested for raping his mother.

Shock waves have hit the ears of locals at Kashenyi cell Katenga parish Kamuganguzi sub county Kabale district when a man allegedly raped his 77-year-old biological mother.

According to the Kigezi region police spokesperson, Elly Maate, the suspect Justus Byamukama, 29 who was under the influence of marijuana raped his mother in a garden of beans, a few meters away from their home.

“It’s alleged that the old woman who was coming from Hakatusi trading centre met with the son who had taken marijuana, threatened to kill her by strangulation so that she cannot alarm and ended raping her,” Maate said.

The police mouthpiece explained that the victim later reported the matter to the area LC one chairperson and the hunt for the suspect begun leading to his arrest and later handed over to police.

“Two charges preferred against him of rape and incest and Kabale SD 74/29/06/2020.”

Past incidents

In May 2015, a man at Lyambogo village in Malongo Sub-county, Lwengo District was arrested for allegedly raping his 65-year- old mother and hacking his two brothers to death.

He was under the influence of marijuana.

In 2016, the High Court in Kampala sentenced a 26- year old married man in Wakiso district to 10 years imprisonment for raping a 60- year old woman.

Story complied by Kisoro FM