2021 Race: Mayor Eng Balimwezo officially declares MP Nakawa bid 2021

Mayor Eng Balimwezo officially declares MP Nakawa bid 2021. Whisper Eye Reports

Nakawa Division mayor His worship Nsubuga Ronald Balimwezo has officially declared his interest to contest for Nakawa constituency parliamentary seat in 2021.

Mr Balimwezo has confirmed the rumors that have been circulating mainly on social media that, he was mobilising Nakawa residents to vote for him as area MP in the forthcoming general elections.

“It is true, I’m ready to represent the people of Nakawa constituency in the Parliament,’says Mr Balimwezo.

“While we have tried our level best to selflessly and patriotically serve our people, we have been challenged and let down by bad laws, he added.”

Mr Balimwezo blames law makers for passing bad laws, which have hindered development in Uganda.

“This is the major reason i feel I need to join parliament to make good laws to enable leaders serve our people better, Mr Balimwezo explained.”

“Wish to announce that when the Electoral process becomes favourable, I will stand for member of parliament Nakawa division, he stated.”

Mayor Balimwezo has joined other opposition candidates who declared interest for the seat.

Including; People Power Movement spokesman Joel Ssenyonyi, Democratic Party (DP) publicity secretary Kenneth Paul Kakande, among others.