Big Story: Gen Henry Tumukunde,Bobi Wine in talks for a single presidential candidate

Big Stoey : Gen Henry Tumukunde, Bobi Wine in talks for a single presidential candidate Whisper Eye Reports

People Power, Our Power Movement leader Hon Kyagulanyi Robert Ssentamu popularly known as Bobi Wine in talks with former security minister rtd Gen Henry Tumukunde over defeating president Museveni.

While addressing a press conference on Wednesday at Kalolo, Gen Tumukunde revealed to the public how he relates with opposition leaders.

“I’m in talks with all opposition leaders discussing how we can join our strength and take over government, says Gen Tumukunde.”

When asked whether he meets Pop music star turned political Mr Wine, general accepted.

The press pressurised Gen Tumukunde to tell the public what they are discussing.

However Gen Tumukunde refuted, told the press that “we can not come to the public that we are discussing this or that, but I’m sure you will see the results.”

“President Museveni has ruled Uganda for the past 34 years, and there has been opposition. But 34 years are too many, we must change the way we are doing things, the General said.”

A reliable source intimate to Magere, told Whisper Eye that Kyadondo East MP hon Kyagulanyi and general Tumukunde are a possible ‘Malawi opposition presidential-election style’ that is bound to end president Museveni’s rule.

“Between today and 2021, many things are changing in Uganda’s opposition, a source from Magere said.”

“We can not have time to talk everything we are doing, never! I think we can agree that the government must change, at least everyone is a ware of that fact, Gen Tumukunde said.”

General Tumukunde told the press that the Electoral Commission (EC) has no mandate to change any electoral law in the country.

He asked opposition forces of change and the citizens of Uganda to agitate for extending the general election due to limited time basing on the EC revised road map.