Why Museveni ignored scientific elections talk, maintains lock down a head of 2021 poll

Why Museveni ignored scientific election talk, maintains lock down a head of 2021 presidential ballot. Whisper Eye Reports

Uganda president was eagerly a waited for his nation address on the covid-19 updates yesterday with hopes to lift the lock down on businesses suffocated by the preventive measures put in place to fight the global pandemic.

In his speech that lasted close to two hours, president Yoweri Kaguta Museveni avoided to address the opposition talk of the town: Scientific Elections.

Instead, he focused on explaining why the country should remain under a lock down.

Mr Museveni only a minor lift on private cars, just allowing them to carry one additional passenger from three, to four no any other main change on the lock down status quo.

The president retained the 7:00PM to 6:30AM curfew.

Boda bodas remained to carry goods despite innovations like barriers between rider and passenger.

Place of worship, schools, and universities to stay closed.

Intelligent Museveni as usual left contagious issues of Mobile markets, arcades and others under ministry of Kampala, Trade Industries and Cooperatives and the National Covid-19 task force.

Mr Museveni had to maintain the lock down for a number of reasons.

One he has to control the number of Covid-19 positive cases, in order to reduce the health expenditure.

Two Mr Museveni agreed with the Electoral Commission (EC) to organise the Controversial Scientific elections in 2021.

And the EC, released its revised road mal for 2020/21 last week.

The president had to implement ECs decision by continuously keeping the country under the lock down.

The National Covid-19 task force and ministry of health have convinced president Museveni to continue protecting lives of Ugandans by validating the lock down.

It is now clear that the ruling National Resistance Movement (NRM) party are ready to hold scientific general polls in 2021.

Although the opposition political platforms have discredited the revised EC road map which banns political rallies, the president did not give it attention in his address.