Exclusive: Gen Tumukunde set to meet NRM structures

As Uganda goes through the Covid 19, several players are preparing on how to participate in the February 2021 elections. Among the presidential hopefuls is former president Museveni ally and high ranking army General Henry Tumukunde. Whisper Eye Reports.

In the call to donate food and other household stuff, Henry Tumukunde Orange team is one of those that participated in the contribution of food to Ugandans in large volumes.

This activity was more political than social, It was aimed at sending a signal to Mr Museveni that the General has a startup elite team to build structures for the presidential hopeful.

Whisper Eye has learnt besides the orange team, the Tumukunde top strategic team is planning to meet structures of NRM party but also planning to meet various young people within the opposition. Secretly take note

For now the pro-Tumukunde team has started with creating ground clusters and online chatrooms in whatsapp, signal, zoom and telegram groups . The administrators of these chat rooms and anonymous numbers that we think are owned by top military officials.

The General through one of our intimate sources revealed to us that most of the young NRM youth are bitter with President Museveni and they claim that him the President has used them and they have not achieved anything since 2016 as he promised.

These are youth of NRM youth league , NRM Women league and youth councils across the country.

The source also intimated to us that the General is building a formidable task force with also a strong arm of a tally centre which shall feed in that of people power led by Bobi Wine as they go for 2021 elections.

The NRM youth leaders and supporters have procured yellow T-shirts with a portrait of Gen. Tumukunde, they say they are just waiting for the right time to disown the President since he has all this time disowned him.

They also plan to rally a campaign to counter sole candidature. The campaign is aimed at embarrassing President Museveni and to show Ugandans the kind of leader they have for a president, a dictator.

The top NRM youth leaders from northern region are meeting and planning to create a voluntary force which will support General Tumukunde in the 2021 elections.

Kween: Another group led by one of the most popular youth leaders from eastern region Mr. Chemonges Simon Peter shall mobilize all youth leaders from Eastern Uganda from Kween to Mbale.

Kiruhura: Another team headed by one of the top youth council leaders shall mobilize from Kiruhura district to Mbarara and Sheema.

General Tumukunde through his core team also plans to launch a campaign that will help him to meet various young people and special interest groups of young people and other forces within different political parties.

He plans to meet the youth under the Inter Party Youth Platform (IYOP) and other youth groups like Uganda Young Democrats (UYD) immediately after the lockdown opens up.

We hope to publish all necessary info to Ugandans on whispereye.co.ug to keep you informed about the new presidential hopeful.